Our planet’s in trouble. But … We are the guardians.
We’re monitoring the environment in real-time.
We’ve built what Google called “the world’s largest water database” to make it easy for everyday citizens to understand water quality much closer to real-time. Most don’t know that water quality changes as often as the weather. So you can check your water like you check the weather.
Air pollution from fossil fuel energy sources is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths globally in the world. So where can you go to find out what’s in your air and how it’s impacting you? Ummm … 🤔 Well, the answer is, people don’t know where to go. So we are expanding our platform to include that too.
Most people don’t realize that whatever toxins are in your air or your soil will probably end up coming out of your tap. Why? Because the particles from the air fall to the ground, then toxins in soil leach into groundwater or into leaks in pipes. That’s why we monitor water quality at your tap.
Environmental Justice.
Environmental hazards like landfills, superfund sites with hazardous waste, lead poisoning (similar to the Flint, MI tragedy), and air pollution are more likely to impact communities of color. That’s just not right. So we bring #datatothepeople and elevate #humanityovereverything.
Companies and governments around the world are realizing they have a role to play in protecting the environment. But where are the tools and metrics that help these entities monitor and report their progress so they can be held accountable? There isn’t one. Sooo … we built it. 🙌🏽
Climate Change.
According to the United Nations, we only have until 2030 to take massive action to reverse climate change before it becomes irreversible and catastrophic. But where’s the standard platform everyone can use to monitor carbon emission reductions? We’re building it.